La journée BRA-DAY est une initiative qui vise à informer les femmes au sujet de la reconstruction mammaire post-mastectomie par la promotion de l'éducation, de la prise de conscience et de l'accès.
American Society for Surgery of the Hand
International Confederation of Plastic Surgery Societies (ICOPLAST)
Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day - BRA-Day
Canadian Collaboration on Breast Reconstruction
Programme de restoration mammaire UHN
Canadian Society of Aesthetic (Cosmetic) Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery Journal
Operation Rainbow Canada
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS)
American Association for Hand Surgery
International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)
Toronto Aesthetic Meeting & Toronto Breast Symposium
Toronto AlloDerm Breast Implant Reconstruction Trial
Canadian Laser Aesthetic Surgery Society
Association des Spécialistes en Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique du Québec
Canadian Burn Survivors Association
Canadian Medical Protective Association
About Face Canada
Hand and Upper Limb Centre, University of Western Ontario